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Friday, January 07, 2011

Song of the Lover

As the deer pants for streams of water,
so my heart pants for you.
I thirst for you, for your living, breathing self.
When can I go and meet with you?

My tears have been my food day and night,
while everyone I meet seems to be saying to me all day long, "Where
is she? Are you still together?"

These things I remember
as my emotions, my very soul seems to pour out of me and leave me
I remember
how I used to walk along the beach or the street with a smile for
everyone. It was easy to be happy.
I can remember
I used to sing on my way to meet you each day, even when I was tired
from work. And when I saw you, I'd be full of gratitude that would
spill over so that everyone around us would glow with warmth and joy.

Why am I so sad, so downcast? What's the matter with me!
Why so disturbed within me?
I say to myself, "Get hold of yourself!"
"Put your hope in her, for even though she is gone, yet you shall
claim - I claim a healthy love for her."

All of who I am is downcast within me; so here's what I will do.
I will actively remember
you in all the places we love, the shoreline, the sunset, the cloud-
islands, the music.
As I remember,
it comes back to me. We are strong together. Our humor is
irresistible to ourselves, of course, but to others as well. Our
dreaming has power and is matched by our determination and our skill.

You are beautiful, but if you were less beautiful, your clear light
would be undiminished in the world, in my life.

I know that it is true that you long for me too.

When I hear the music we love, it is like we are again sharing the

November 2009

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