* Welcome and Call to Worship
One: Let us say who is welcome here!
All: No matter who you are or where you are on life's journey, you are welcome at Grace Congregational United Church of Christ!
Men: Shine, God's People!
Women: We join others in Christ.
All: We are a united and uniting church.
Women: Shine, God's People!
Men: We are of all races, cultures, and nations.
All: We are a multiracial and multicultural church.
Men: Shine, God's People!
Women: We are differently gifted in mind and body.
All: We are a church accessible to all.
Women: Shine, God's People!
Men: We are whole and Holy, loving faithfully.
All: We are an open an affirming church.
Men: Shine, God's People!
Women: We are struggling for justice and peace.
All: We are a peace with justice church.