O Voice of the thunder, O fist that shakes the land, hear our cry. We know that there is no God who brings earthquake and storm. Yet we call to you now because we come very close to you at times of cataclysm. We cry in anger and grief at our Haitian brothers and sisters who have died, been injured, who struggle now, who mourn. We despair as do some of them at the impossible task before them: to rescue, to heal, to clear, to repair, to live. I feel helpless and afraid; helpless to do more than send helpful dollars and other things, afraid that if you call me to do more, I might shiver and hide. So it is with some fear that I ask you to show me my duty to my neighbor in Haiti, in Framingham, on my street, and in this room. Still, I do ask. What shall I do today to do your will for those whom you love? In this time before worship, teach me your ways, O Lord. I seek your paths. Amen.